``` ``` New! Original Reiki Stones© -Cho Ku Rei symbol- engraved on Rose Quart - Cast a Stone
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New! Original Reiki Stones© -Cho Ku Rei symbol- engraved on Rose Quartz Pocket Worry Stone

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New! Beautifully engraved Original Reiki Stones© Pocket Worry Stones!

The semi-precious stone of Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance It is also said to be helpful with weight loss!

Cho Ku Rei is the Reiki Power Symbol. Let it help guide you through your day and be a constant reminder of the healing Reiki can bring. 

Worry stones are smooth, polished gemstones usually round without a thumb-sized indentation. (oval is unavailable at this time) They are believed to have originated in Ancient Greece or Tibet. Each worry stone is finely engraved and painted in 2kt gold leafing* Sizing is approximately 1-2" inches (4-5 cm). Having your items carved, sets symbols deep inside the crystals, embedding the symbol for eternity.

Symbolism is a universal language known to all. Words cannot be understood by every language, but symbols are. Bringing together the metaphysical properties of the gemstones with such powerful symbols as the reiki symbol, it can create a wonderful balance and higher vibration to help the world heal as well as the living creatures who inhabit it.

Carry the power of Reiki wherever you Go!

*2kt Gold Leafing is a different technique and more expensive then our regular gold paint fill. Gives a beautiful shine and texture to the engraving.
 All sets are subject to size, coloring & weight. Sizes listed are approximate. These are all real crystals & gemstones. No stone is alike and please allow for variation. If you have specific questions or concerns, always inquire, we will be glad to search for that particular item you are interested in.
Created and blessed by a REAL Reiki Master.
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