Collections: Crystals & Minerals, Natural Stones, Newly Added!
Type: Rocks & Fossils
Prehnite Crystal Healing Properties:
Prehnite has a calm energy and is a gentle, nurturing stone. It cools down anger and helps to quieten restlessness, nervousness, and worry. Nicknamed ’emotional soap’, prehnite releases emotional debris from the aura and connects our hearts to nature and the planet earth. It can facilitate the expression of emotions or thoughts and help us to communicate in a non-judgemental way. It can be used to enhance lucid dreaming and banish nightmares.
Epidote Crystal Healing Properties:
Epidote is useful in overcoming habitual negativity, hopelessness, fatalism and other destructive emotional patterns. It generates hope for the future and a willingness to pursue one’s dreams. It assists those who feel stuck in their current reality find ways to take action or create movement. Epidote raises the vibration in areas that are congested, filled with debris or overly dense, it encourages a more positive emotional state to support general healing.
Prehnite History and Uses:
Prehnite varies in color from light green to yellow but can also be colorless, blue or white and a rare orange Prehnite was discovered in the Kalahari Manganese Fields in April 2000. First described in 1788, when it was discovered in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, it was named after Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn who had commanded the Dutch military forces at the Cape of Good Hope from 1768 to 1780. This stone has been used by South African shamans since ancient times to enhance their powers of prophecy and it is a great ally for readers and healers.
Prehnite with Epidote Geological Description:
Prehnite is a calcium aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness of 6.5. Its crystal system is orthorhombic and it is found in Australia, China, South Africa, Scotland, and in New Jersey, USA.
Epidote is an aluminum, iron silicate mineral with a hardness of 6 to 7. Its crystal system is monoclinic and it often grows in prismatic crystals. Epidote crystals have been found in Austria, Pakistan, Mexico, Norway, Mozambique, and the USA.
Affirmation: I place my personal power in the service of the heart, and my will is willing to do as the heart desires.
All information about metaphysical properties is for reference only. It is a combination of research on how the gemstones have been used by different cultures today and throughout history, and our own personal experience. We do not recommend using crystals as a substitute for conventional medical or psychological treatment and do not claim they cure or heal medical conditions. Please always listen to the advice of your medical professional and only use crystals as a complementary therapy in addition to medical treatment.