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  • Malachite Natural Specimen

    Keywords: Enlightened leadership, creativity, confidence, protection, a healed heart

    Chakras: solar plexus, heart

    Element: Fire

    Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, Scorpio

    Number: 9

    Malachite Crystal Healing Properties:
    The energy of Malachite strengthens our ability to take action in the world, to create and manifest form from our thoughts and ideas. It can help us find the resolve to overcome difficulty and the integrity to stay true to our direction. It is a powerful protection stone that reveals energetic and emotional boundaries and helps us to honor those boundaries in ourselves and others. It has been traditionally used to help in the treatment of torn muscles, swollen joints and arthritis. It can help bring restful sleep by creating a sense of calm and peace. In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, it is believed to treat kidney disorders.

    Malachite History and Uses:
    The origins of the name Malachite may come from one of three Greek words, mallow a type of herb, malhe meaning grass; either of these could refer to the green color of the stone or malakos meaning soft. Malachite was popular in the Ancient world, Egyptians mined it for copper ore and used it for jewelry as early as 4000BC and the Greeks and Romans powdered the stone to make eyeshadow. In the middle ages, it was believed to protect against the evil eye and sorcery. A large deposit in the Ural Mountains was mined by the Russian Czars to make ornaments and to line the walls of their palaces. Malachite is the anniversary stone for the 13th year of marriage.

    Malachite Geological Description:
    Malachite is a copper carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.5 to 4. It can often form with Azurite and Chrysocolla. It has been found in a variety of forms such as mats of thin filaments, tufts and botryoidal, crusts on other minerals, as stalactites and with bands and striations creating unique patterns. Malachite is found in Zaire, Australia, Chile, South Africa, Russia, Namibia, Mexico, England and the USA.

    Affirmation: I am a co-creator of the Universe.