``` ``` Quartz Point Special! - Cast a Stone
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Quartz Point Special!

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Keywords: Programmability, amplification of one's intention, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, healing, memory enhancement

Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Birthstone: April

Zodiac Signs: All

Wedding Anniversary: 3rd year

Number: 4

Clear Quartz Crystal Healing Properties:
Clear Quartz encourages clarity of thought and purpose to one’s heart and mind. It works on all levels of the energetic and physical bodies and resonates with all chakras. Clear Quartz will amplify any energy with which it moves into resonance, including other stones, constantly broadcasting that energy into the Earth's electromagnetic field. This makes Clear Quartz an excellent stone to use for healing, manifestation, or prayer work. Clear Quartz helps to establish a strong, clear connection to higher guidance.

Clear Quartz History and Uses:
Clear Quartz has been used as a healing tool since Ancient times. In Shamanic practices, Clear Quartz is referred to as the “light-stone”, an instrument of clairvoyance. Clear Quartz was traditionally used by Australian Aborigines and the Prairie Indians of North America as a talisman for visionary work. The Navajo believed it to be Clear Quartz that first caused the Sun to cast its light upon the world. The six-sided hexagonal shape of Quartz crystal points allows them to hold a program or intention, to magnify that energy and radiate it out into the surrounding area.

Clear Quartz Geological Description:
Quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. Its crystal system is hexagonal which grows in a large variety of formations. It is one of the most abundant minerals, found on every continent of the Earth, though much of the quartz available comes from Arkansas, Brazil, and Madagascar. Crystal Quartz exhibits the property of piezoelectricity, by which it can transform mechanical energy (eg pressure) into electromagnetic energy and vice versa.

Affirmation: I have the power to reprogram my thoughts

Price is for one (1) Natural Stone.

All stones are subject to size, coloring & weight. These are all real crystals & semi-precious gemstones. Each gemstone has its own unique personality, energy, and vibration, where no two stones are alike so please allow for variation. Stone choices vary and are not always the same as the photo. If you have specific questions or concerns, always inquire, we will be glad to search for that particular item you are interested in.